Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead

Welcome to the Homestead. Veronica, our newest addition to the Staff is our Archival & Museum Assitant. Thank you to the Govenment of Canada’s Young Canada Works Program!

Look what’s happening at the Homestead!

Join us on July 10th for “Vintage Wisdom Tales” at the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead!

Welcome to the Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead

The Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead is Adelaide’s childhood home. The site features 2 floors of the historic house in addition to the over 3 acres of land to explore! Changing exhibits and exciting events presented year-round for all ages to enjoy.  This National Historic site is dedicated to sharing Adelaide’s message of women’s education and family nutrition.   Adelaide is the Co-founder of Women’s Institutes movement  along with Erland Lee and Janet Lee.  The WI was founded in 1897 in Saltfleet, Ontario.  The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada purchased the property in 1959.  It now houses the National Office of FWIC/WI Canada as well as a museum. 

What can we offer you?

Recent upgrades include a more accessable outdoor washroom and bicycle rack.  The pavilion can now used for 3 seasons. The driveway has been expanded to accomodate bus tours.  Thanks to a genearous donation, a new steel roof has been installed.  Not to mention, Addie’s Kitchen has now been certified by the Brant County Health Unit.  

Need more reasons to visit us? 

In addition to the availability of House tours, the pavilion can be rented for weddings, meetings, parties and for family gatherings etc.  Visit our newly expanded Gift Shop or just stop by for a chat.  Our hours of operation are from 11 am to 4 pm Tuesday to Thursday.  Summer hours Tuesday through Sunday, or otherwise noted in our upcoming events.  Call ahead to book your tour or make rental arrangements.  Likewise, book a wedding or renew your vows.  Nancy Carubba, our Musuem Manager and Veronica Boone, our Archival & Museum Assistant would love to see you! 

Here’s how to reach us

 The Homestead is conveniently located just off Highway 24 in St. George and just 15 minutes from Cambridge and Brantford, 40 minutes from Hamilton and 75 minutes from the GTA.  

Call 519-448-3873 for more information and don’t forget to visit our Facebook

and Instagram pages

Learn more about Adelaide Hunter Hoodless

Adelaide’s Story

As can be seen by Adelaide’s story, she was a woman ahead of her time. Afterall, she is one of Canada’s most famous women. Come visit her childhood home, we’d love to see you!